小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)五年级上module 4 unit 12


[00:02.00]Unit 12 Fire第十二单元 火
[00:04.54]Words and Expressions单词和短语
[00:35.09]burn down烧毁
[00:38.59](be) careful with当心……
[00:42.78]not ... at all一点也不……
[00:48.54]We must be careful with fire. 我们必须当心火灾。
[00:52.13]We mustn't play with matches.我们一定不能玩火柴。
[00:55.75]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[00:58.37]1 1Fire can burn down a lot of trees. 1 火能烧毁很多树木。
[01:03.95]It can hurt people too. 它也会使人受伤。
[01:06.07]We must be careful with fire.我们必须当心火灾。
[01:09.23]2 Children, what do you know about fire safety? 孩子们,你们了解的消防安全知识有哪些?
[01:15.79]What mustn't we do in the forest or at home?我们在森林里或在家里一定不能做什么?
[01:20.55]We mustn't smoke in the forest.我们一定不能在森林里吸烟。
[01:24.26]We mustn't play near fires at home.我们在家一定不能在火附近玩。
[01:28.00]We mustn't play with matches at home.我们在家一定不能玩火柴。
[01:31.95]Very good. Safety first.很好。安全第一。
[01:35.56]Look and learn看图学习单词
[01:38.47]Don't smoke!请勿吸烟!
[01:42.29]Don't play with matches!请勿玩火柴!
[01:47.65]Read a story故事阅读
[01:49.93]Yaz, the meat and the fire Yaz、肉和火
[01:53.76]1 Hi, I am Yaz.嗨,我叫Yaz。
[01:58.01]I live in the Stone Age.我生活在石器时代。
[02:00.79]This is my family.这是我的家庭。
[02:02.92]We have a fire. 我们有一个火堆。
[02:05.01]Fire gives us heat and light.火给了我们光和热。
[02:08.86]2 We always eat meat. 我们总是吃生肉。
[02:12.71]My parents and my sister like meat, 我的父母和我妹妹喜欢吃肉、
[02:16.11]but I hate it. 我却讨厌它。
[02:17.94]It does not taste good at all.它尝起来一点都不好吃。
[02:21.64]3 I do not want to eat meat, 我不想吃生肉,
[02:26.25]so I throw other into the fire.所以我把肉扔进火里。
[02:29.90]4 Now the meat smells very nice.现在肉的味道闻起来很好。
[02:34.45]5 We eat the meat.我们吃熟肉。
[02:37.69]It tastes great! 它尝起来味道好极了!
[02:39.45]After that, 从此以后,
[02:40.86]we cook all over our meat on the fire.我们就把所有的肉放在火上烤。
[02:44.40]Listen and enjoy听唱歌谣
[02:49.71]When you see a fire,
[02:51.86]Quickly go outside.
[02:54.29]But never use the lift.
[02:56.55]It is dangerous inside.
[02:59.05]If it is all smoky,
[03:01.50]Cover your mouth and nose
[03:03.89]And crawl out very fast.
[03:06.08]Never stop for toys or clothes.
[03:08.79]Now you are outside.
[03:11.12]You know what to do.
[03:13.67]Listen to the firemen.
[03:16.10]Here they are to help you!
[03:22.45]Learn the sounds学习发音
[03:25.73]th thin path瘦的 小路
[03:34.50]A thin tiger goes north on the path.
[03:39.20]He sees a fat rat.
[03:41.53]He opens his mouth and thinks,
[03:44.27]"I want to eat the rat!"
[03:46.49]A thin tiger goes north on the path.
[03:51.25]He sees a fat rat.
[03:53.64]He opens his mouth and thinks,
[03:56.20]"I want to eat the rat!"

