小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)四年级上module 2 unit 5


[00:02.00]Unit 5 My friends第五单元 我的朋友们
[00:05.52]He has a green T-shirt.他穿一件绿色的T恤衫。
[00:09.56]Listen and say听录音,练习对话。
[00:12.46]This is Tom.这是汤姆。
[00:14.91]He is my friend.他是我的朋友。
[00:17.61]He is tall and thin.他又高又瘦。
[00:20.90]He has a green T-shirt and a pair
[00:24.82]of brown shorts.他穿一件绿色的T恤衫和一条棕色的短裤。
[00:27.23]He can skate.他会滑冰。
[00:29.36]by Joe来自乔
[00:32.92]I have two friends.我有两个朋友。
[00:35.28]They are Peter and his sister Sally.他们分别是彼得和他的姐姐萨莉。
[00:40.03]Peter has an orange T-shirt.彼得穿一件橘色的T恤衫。
[00:43.87]He can ride a bike.他会骑自行车。
[00:46.45]Sally has a red skirt.萨莉有件红色的短裙。
[00:49.91]She can fly a kite.她会放风筝。
[00:52.79]by Alice来自爱丽丝
[00:55.50]Look and learn看图片,听音,学习新单词。
[01:15.14]Enjoy a story故事欣赏
[01:17.90]The lion and the mouse狮子和老鼠
[01:21.45]1 The lion is big and strong.狮子又大又壮。
[01:26.11]He has big teeth.它有大的牙齿。
[01:32.54]2 The mouse is small.老鼠很小。
[01:36.17]He has small teeth.它有小小的牙齿。
[01:42.70]3 The lion cannot get out.狮子出不去。
[01:47.11]He is afraid.它很害怕。
[01:50.56]4 Look at the mouse.看那只小老鼠。
[01:54.09]His small teeth are sharp.它的小牙齿非常锋利。
[01:57.55]He can help the lion!它可以帮助狮子!
[02:01.86]5 The lion and the mouse are friends now.狮子和老鼠现在成了好朋友。
[02:08.38]Learn the sounds学习发音。
[02:10.93]i kite风筝
[02:16.74]i bike自行车
[02:24.91]I like my bike.
[02:27.24]Mike likes his kite.
[02:29.58]My bike is nice.
[02:32.14]Mike's kite is high.
[02:34.42]I like my bike.
[02:36.82]Mike likes his kite.
[02:39.09]My bike is nice.
[02:41.61]Mike's kite is high.


