小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)四年级上module 1 unit 2


[00:02.00]Unit 2 Can you swim?你会游泳吗?
[00:06.88]She can swim.她会游泳。
[00:09.90]Can you swim?你会游泳吗?
[00:12.71]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[00:15.99]1 Supergirl can run fast.
[00:23.68]Supergirl can fly.女超人会飞。
[00:27.33]Supergirl can swim.女超人会游泳
[00:31.08]Supergirl cannot draw.
[00:35.45]2 Supergirl is great!
[00:39.77]She can swim.
[00:41.92]Can you swim, Alice?
[00:45.20]Yes, I can.
[00:47.72]Can you swim, Kitty?
[00:50.11]No, I can't.
[00:53.57]3 What can you do? I can draw.
[00:59.97]Look and learn看一看并学一学。
[01:19.35]Say and act
[01:22.32]1 Good evening.I'm Kitty.
[01:34.30]Welcome to Super Show.
[01:37.81]2 Here are our friends - Supergirl and Superdog!
[01:45.77]Hello! 你们好!
[01:47.58]Woof! Woof!汪汪!汪汪!
[01:49.81]3 What can you do,Supergirl?
[01:54.50]I can swim and fly.
[01:58.66]4 Can Superdog fly too?
[02:04.04]Yes, he can,but he can't write his name.
[02:10.91]5 Thank you, Supergirl and Superdog!
[02:19.78]Thank you!谢谢!
[02:31.29]Learn the sounds学习发音
[02:34.03]a jam果酱
[02:39.72]a hand手
[02:47.76]Pat is my dad.
[02:50.28]He likes jam.
[02:52.61]He has a jar in his hand.
[02:55.07]He's not sad.
[02:57.21]The jam's not bad.
[02:59.70]Pat is my dad.
[03:01.96]He likes jam.
[03:04.09]He has a jar in his hand.
[03:06.82]He's not sad.
[03:09.07]The jam's not bad.

