

Unit 1 School Subjects


Chinese(语文)     English (英语)    science(科学)    PE(体育) music (音乐)  math(数学)   art(美术) computer class(计算机课) we(我们) that(那,那个)


What classes do you have on Wednesday?星期三你们有什么课?

We have English, science and computers on Wednesday.星期三我们有英语课,科学课和电脑课。

I like English. 我喜欢英语课。 It’s easy for me. 它对我来说很容易。

Unit 2 My School


Classroom(教室)library(图书馆)toilet(厕所,洗手间)playground(操场,运动场)first(第一的)second(第二的), third(第三的), floor(楼层)room(房间)our(我们)they(他们)chair(椅子)desk(书桌,写字台)blackboard(黑板)


1 -Where is Binbin?

-He is in the library.

-Where is the library?

-It’s on the first floor.

Andy is in the library on the first/second/third floor.

2 -Do you have a gym/computer room/washroom/clinic/office/music room/art room/science room in your school?

-Yes, we do/No, we don’t.

-Where is it?

-It’s on the……floor, It’s between……and……

3 This is our school, we have (a /an art room/)……, It’s on the first/……,It’s nice/beautiful. I love/like my school.

4 -Helen, do you have a gym?

-Yes, I have./No, I don’t.

5 We are canadian students/children. We have……students/teachers in our class. We have 40 minutes for lunch/breakfast/supper.

I’m in No.2 school, class one, grade three.

6 -Amy is looking at her test paper. She has a bad mark. Here you are,Amy, I found your paper.

-Oh, no!

Amy is in the……,she puts her paper in the garbage.

Unit 3 After School Activities


after school(放学后)  play sports做运动draw pictures画画  play chess下棋 dance跳舞

sing songs唱歌     read books(读书)really(确实) tomorrow(明天)wake up(叫醒)be back(回来)play football(踢足球)fly a kite(放风筝)  ride a bike(骑自行车)swim(游泳) make a model plane(做飞机模型)make a snowman(堆雪人)      


1 -What do they do on Monday

-They play the drum.

2 -What are you going to do after school?

-I am going to play the drum/sing songs/draw pictures/play chess/do art projects/play soccer/ dance/ride my bike/fly my kite.    (I)

-That’s sounds interesting, I am going to……,too.

3 -What is Lily going to do after school?

-She is going to…… 

Lily/Yaoyao/Jhon/Andy/Binbin/Bill is going to……     (he,she,it)

4We are going to……     (we)

Yaoyao and Binbin are going to……   they

5 -Are you going to……?    (you)

-Yes, are you going to play?

-Oh, yes, that sounds like more fun,just a minute.

Unit 4 My Family


family(家庭)  grandfather(祖父)   grandmother(祖母)  uncle(叔叔舅舅) aunt(婶母;姑母;舅母)  father(父亲)    mother(母亲)     brother (兄;弟)     sister(姐;妹)  cousin(堂()();堂()(   handsome(英俊的)beautiful(美丽的) lost(遗失) water bottle(水瓶) know(知道) OK(好的,行) much(很多的,非常)welcome(受欢迎的)


1 There are ……people in my family. They are……

2 -What’s your father’s/mother’s/grandfather’s/uncle’s/aunt;s/brother’s/sister’s job?

-He/She is a doctor/cook/waiter/dentist/nurse/manager/taxi-driver/policeman

3 I’m ……,I’m ……years old, I’m from China/Canada/…….There are……people in my family, ……and me.   形容词性的物主代词

4 -Can you swim/jump/……?

-Yes, I can   肯定回答

-No, I can’t  否定回答

5 -Are you my mother?

-Yes, I am.    肯定回答

-No, I am not. 否定回答

6 -Do you know my mom?

-Yes. I do.     肯定回答

-No, I don’t    否定回答

Unit5 Family Activities


Cooking dinner(正在做饭)walking the dog(正在遛狗) water the plants(正在给植物浇水) cleaning the room(正在打扫房间) listening to music(正在听音乐) watching TV(正在看电视) feeding the fish(正在喂鱼)play with(与玩耍)in one hour(一小时之后)everyone(每人,人人)children(孩子们)run(跑)


1 -What are they doing?   主语是第三人称复数

-They are cooking the fish/……

2-What is Lily’s /Tom’s (she/he)mom doing?   主语是第三人称单数

-He/She is cleaning the floor.

3-What am I doing?   主语是第一人称

-You are doing……

Unit6 My Home


Home(家,家庭)bedroom(卧室)living room(客厅)bathroom(浴室)dining room(餐厅)study(书房)kitchen(厨房)for rent(供出租)sofa(沙发)light(灯,发光体)bed(床,床架,床垫)door(门)box(箱子,盒子)


1 -Where is the cat?

-It’s on the balcony. / It’s in the dining room.

2-Where is the tiger’s room?  

-It’s in the forest.

3-What’s in the forest?

-There is a tiger./ There are two cats

4 -Is there a bathroom/living room/kitchen/bedroom/study/balcony/garage in your home?

-Yes, there is.   肯定回答

-N, there isn’t.   否定回答

5 -What room is it?

-It’s the kitchen/dining room/bedroom/study/bathroom.

6 Cookie is a naughty cat. Cookie goes to the bathroom,falls into the bathtub,knocks over the garage can, runs into the closet.








