

[00:00.00]Unit 3 Weather   [译文]第3单元 天气  
[00:04.97]3 It's sunny.   [译文]3 天气晴朗。  
[00:07.67]Let's listen and say.   [译文]让我们听一听,说一说。  
[00:11.47]sunny   [译文]晴朗的  
[00:16.02]cloudy   [译文]多云的  
[00:20.14]windy   [译文]有风的  
[00:24.10]rainy   [译文]下雨的  
[00:28.39]snowy   [译文]下雪的  
[00:33.26]Let's chant!   [译文]让我们唱歌谣!  
[00:37.08]How's the weather? It's windy.    [译文]天气怎么样?天气有风。  
[00:41.68]How's the weather? It's cloudy.   [译文]天气怎么样?天气多云。  
[00:45.11]How's the weather today? It's snowy.   [译文]今天的天气怎么样?今天下雪。  
[00:48.46]Is it rainy?  No, it isn't.   [译文]天在下雨吗?不,没下雨。  
[00:51.83]Is it sunny?  Yes, it is.   [译文]天气晴朗吗?是的,天气晴朗。  
[00:55.16]It's a sunny day.   [译文]今天天气晴朗。  
[00:57.26]Let's go out and play.   [译文]我们去外面玩吧。  
[01:01.35]Let's sing!   [译文]让我们唱一唱!  
[01:03.88]Sunny. Cloudy. Windy. Rainy. Snowy.   [译文]晴朗的。多云的。有风的。下雨的。下雪的。  
[01:22.54]How' s the weather today? It' s windy.   [译文]今天天气怎么样?有风。  
[01:29.27]Sunny. Cloudy. Windy. Rainy. Snowy.   [译文]晴朗的。多云的。有风的。下雨的。下雪的。  
[01:47.74]How' s the weather today? It' s windy.   [译文]今天天气怎么样?有风。  
[01:51.68]Cool! Let's fly kites together.   [译文]太好了!我们一起去放风筝吧。  
[01:58.44]Let's listen and number.   [译文]让我们听一听,标序号。  
[02:02.75]1 cloudy   [译文]1 多云的  
[02:08.80]2 windy   [译文]2 有风的  
[02:14.91]3 sunny   [译文]3 晴朗的  
[02:20.76]4 snowy   [译文]4 下雪的  
[02:26.98]5 rainy   [译文]5 下雨的  
[02:33.40]Let's listen and match.   [译文]让我们听录音,找搭配。  
[02:37.84]How is the weather in Beijing? It's fine.   [译文]北京的天气怎样?天气晴朗。  
[02:46.86]How is the weather in Tianjin? It's snowy.   [译文]天津的天气怎样?在下雪。  
[02:56.07]How is the weather in Nanjing? It's cloudy.   [译文]南京的天气怎样?多云。  
[03:06.40]How is the weather in Hongkong? It's windy.   [译文]香港的天气怎样。有风。  
[03:15.88]How is the weather in London? It's rainy.   [译文]伦敦的天气怎样?在下雨。  
[03:26.03]Let's listen.   [译文]让我们听录音。  
[03:36.40]Good morning, mum!   [译文]早上好,妈妈!  
[03:41.31]Morning!   [译文]早上好!  
[03:43.44]How is the weather today?   [译文]今天天气怎样?  
[03:46.50]It's sunny.   [译文]天气晴朗。  
[03:49.13]Great! Let's go to the park.   [译文]太好了!我们去公园吧。  
[03:52.35]OK. Let's go.   [译文]好的。我们走吧。  
[03:54.44]Can I wear my new dress?   [译文]我可以穿我的新裙子吗?  
[03:57.72]Sure!   [译文]当然可以!  
[03:59.59]Thank you! Mum.   [译文]谢谢你!妈妈。 

