小学英语外研社(一起点)二年级下册Module 7 Unit 1

[00:12.71]Listen,point and find"ing".
[00:17.36]Good morning,boys and girls.男孩,女孩们,早上好.
[00:19.54]I'm Xiaohu from School TV.我是学校电视台的小胡.
[00:22.75]It's Children's Day today.今天是儿童节.
[00:26.45]The children are very happy.孩子们都很开心.
[00:30.84]Daming is doing a play with some children.
[00:37.05]Lingling is singing a song.玲玲在唱歌.
[00:47.06]Sam is saying a poem.萨姆在朗诵诗歌.
[01:03.98]Amy is dancing.艾米在跳舞.
[01:14.91]Children from Class 2 are coming二班的孩子过来了
[01:17.32]They're doing a dragon dance.他们在舞龙.
[01:28.09]Listen and say.
[01:31.22]Daming is doing a play with some children.
[01:35.23]Lingling is singing a song.玲玲在唱歌.

