
[00:01.30]Reading for Pleasure
[00:06.92]The Three Bears
[00:09.78]These are the three bears.有三只小熊.
[00:12.73]This is Father Bear.这是熊爸爸.
[00:14.77]He's fat.他很胖.
[00:16.85]This is Mother Bear.这是熊妈妈.
[00:18.62]She's big.她很大.
[00:20.62]And this is Baby Bear.这是熊宝宝.
[00:22.88]He's little.他很小.
[00:24.12]And he's cute.他很可爱.
[00:27.19]This is a little girl.这是一个小女孩.
[00:29.09]Her name is Goldilocks.她的名字叫做金发姑娘.
[00:31.69]She is in the bears' house.她在三只熊的房子里.
[00:34.93]She doesn't like Father Bear's noodles.她不喜欢熊爸爸的面条.
[00:40.18]She doesn't like Mother Bear's noodles.她不喜欢熊妈妈的面条.
[00:45.04]She like Baby Bear's noodles.她喜欢熊宝宝的面条
[00:50.10]Do you like Father Bear's bed,Goldilocks?金发姑娘,你喜欢熊爸爸的床吗?
[00:53.25]No,I don't.不,我不
[00:55.20]Do you like Mother Bear's bed?你喜欢熊妈妈的床吗
[00:57.39]No,I don't.不,我不
[00:59.74]And do you like Baby Bear's bed?你喜欢熊宝宝的床吗?
[01:02.04]Yes,I do.是的
[01:12.70]Now the three bears are in the house.现在三只熊回到了房子里.
[01:17.32]My noodles!我的面条!
[01:20.67]My bed!我的床!
[01:22.72]Goldilocks is scared.金发姑娘很害怕.

