小学英语外研社(一起点)一年级下Module 3 Unit 2


[00:06.17]My mother is a nurse.
[00:13.47]Listen and say.
[00:16.56]My mother is a nurse.我妈妈是一名护士.
[00:19.63]This is her dress.这是她的衣服.
[00:21.79]And your father,is he a doctor?你的爸爸呢,是一名医生吗?
[00:24.99]No,he isn't.不,他不是
[00:26.47]He's a driver.他是一名司机.
[00:27.84]That's his bus.那是他的公共汽车.
[00:37.87]Listen and say.
[00:40.18]Then sing and do the actions.
[01:18.64][00:44.50]The doctor on the bus sings,医生在车里唱歌,
[01:20.55][00:46.77]la la la la la la la la la.
[01:26.07][00:52.08]The driver on the bus sings,司机在车里唱歌,
[01:28.12][00:54.28]la la la la la la la la la.
[01:33.65][00:59.52]The nurse on the bus sings,护士在车里唱歌,
[01:35.67][01:01.70]la la la la la la la la la.
[01:41.20][01:06.88]The clown on the bus sings,小丑在车里唱歌,
[01:43.33][01:09.13]la la la la la la la la la.

