小学英语广州版六年级上册unite 4


[00:00.00] UNIT 4. SHOPPING [00:04.00]LESSON SEVEN THE SEVENTH LESSON [00:08.54]part1. Words and expressions [00:13.37]give [00:15.10]给 [00:16.82]How much...? [00:18.90]...多少钱? [00:20.98]yuan [00:22.80]元 [00:24.63]fen [00:26.55]分 [00:28.47]I'll take it [00:30.60]我买了. [00:32.73]money [00:34.47]钱 [00:36.21]TEXT [00:38.84](1)A:Can I help you? [00:41.80]B:I want to buy a dress. [00:45.45]A:Do you want a green one? [00:48.93]B:No,I don't like green. [00:53.00]Give me a white one, please. [00:57.05]A:What about this one? [01:00.32]B;It's nice.How much is it? [01:04.76]A:Fifty-five yuan and fifty fen. [01:09.30]B:I'll take it. Here's the money. [01:13.74]A:Thank you.Goodbye!Bye! [01:18.50]Say after me please. [01:22.02](1)A:Can I help you? [01:26.75]B:I want to buy a dress. [01:32.71]A:Do you want a green one? [01:38.06]B:No,I don't like green. [01:44.54]Give me a white one, please. [01:50.71]A:What about this one? [01:55.57]B;It's nice.How much is it? [01:59.67]A:Fifty-five yuan and fifty fen. [02:07.92]B:I'll take it. [02:12.08]Here's the money. [02:16.15]A:Thank you.Goodbye! [02:22.81]B:Bye! [02:26.16]part 2 Words and expressions [02:31.72]What can I do for you? [02:34.24]能帮上你忙吗?买点什么? [02:36.76]banana [02:38.73]香蕉 [02:40.71]pear [02:42.73]梨 [02:44.75]too [02:46.53]太 [02:48.31]look [02:50.14]看起来 [02:51.96]kilo [02:53.95]公斤 [02:55.93]TEXT [02:59.46](2)A:What can I do for you? DO you want any bananas today? [03:04.74]B:No,I don't. I want some pears. [03:10.38]A:How do you like these? [03:13.72]B:They's too small. [03:16.78]A:What about these? [03:20.33]B:Good.They look nice. Two kilos,please. [03:25.90]A:Here you are. [03:28.77]B:How much are they? [03:32.30]A:Ten yuan and forty fen. [03:35.93]B:Here's the money. [03:39.17]A:Thank you.Bey-bye!Bye! [03:43.92]Say after me,please. [03:47.37]A:What can I do for you? [03:51.92]DO you want any bananas today? [03:58.16]B:No,I don't. [04:03.23]I want some pears. [04:08.27]A:How do you like these? [04:13.54]B:They's too small. [04:18.51]A:What about these? [04:23.37]B:Good.They look nice. [04:29.43]Two kilos,please. [04:34.78]A:Here you are. [04:38.62]B:How much are they? [04:43.59]A:Ten yuan and forty fen. [04:50.35]B:Here's the money. [04:54.79]A:Thank you. [04:59.55]Bey-bye! [05:03.07]B:Bye! [05:06.52]LESSON EIGHT THE EIGHTH LESSON [05:12.29]Words and expressions [05:16.06]eighth [05:17.73]第八 [05:19.40]not...at all [05:21.52]根本不 [05:23.63]rose [05:25.66]玫瑰 [05:27.68]sir [05:29.51]先生 [05:31.34]away [05:33.26]离开 [05:35.18]throw...away [05:37.50]扔掉 [05:39.83]LOOK AND SAY [05:43.07]part 1 (1)How much is the...? It's the... [05:53.62](2)How much are the...? They are... [06:01.80]part 2 (1)How do you like the...? [06:09.45](2)I like the...very much [06:14.62](3)I don't like the...at all. [06:19.87](4)Do you like(want)the.? [06:24.00]LOOK,READ AND SAY [06:28.36]A:Can I help you,sir? [06:31.71]B:Yes,I want a pencil. [06:35.18]A:Do you like this one. [06:38.84]B:Yes.How much is it? [06:42.60]A:Fifteen fen. [06:45.84]B:I'll take it. Here's the money. [06:50.51]A:Thank you. [06:53.26]READ AND SAY [06:56.10](1)A:Excuse me. Can I sit here? [07:01.75]B:Yes,please do. [07:05.38]A:Thank you very much. [07:08.72](2)A:How do you like the picture? [07:13.68]B:I like it very much. [07:17.24]A:How do you like the picture? [07:20.79]B:I don't like it at all. [07:24.55]SOUND FAMILIES [07:28.81](1)little [07:32.88]middle [07:35.63]pencil [07:38.40](2)garden [07:42.45]pardon [07:45.29]STRESS AND INTONATION [07:48.66](1)Do you want this one? Yes,I do. [07:55.79](2)Do you like this dress?No,I don't. [08:02.56](3)I don't want any pears today. [08:07.60](4)How much is the shirt? It's one hundred yuan. [08:14.58]TRY TO READ [08:17.50]Shopping [08:20.43]A rabbit and a monley Have a lot of money. [08:25.99]They go to the food shop For cakes and honey. [08:30.96]When the rabbit and the monkey.Ask for cakes and honey, [08:37.80]The man in the food shop. [08:41.35]"Where's your money?" [08:44.41]How strange,and how funny,They really have money. [08:49.66]And that's why they buy [08:53.11]Their cakes and honey.

