小学英语广州版五年级上册unite 6


[00:00.00] Module 6 Directions [00:05.69]Unit 16 Could you tell me the way to the zoo? [00:12.64]tourist excuse Excuse me. way [00:16.52]旅游者 原谅 劳驾;对不起 方法 [00:20.40]sorry turn hotel straight [00:23.98]对不起 转;拐(弯) 宾馆;旅店 直的 [00:27.56]ahead straight ahead take [00:30.38]在前的 一直往前 拐(弯);乘坐 [00:33.20]then by the way welcome You're welcome. [00:37.03]然后 顺便问问 欢迎 不用谢. [00:40.86]station train station police police station [00:44.94]站 火车站 警方;警察部门;警察 警察局;派出所 [00:49.03]bookshop restaurant post office TV station [00:53.11]书店 饭店 邮局 电视台 [00:57.18]bank market cinema hospital [01:00.62]银行 市场 电影院 医院 [01:04.05]Dialogue [01:06.80]1.Look and listen.Then read and act in groups. [01:14.45]Excuse me.Could you tell me the way to Guangzhou Zoo,please? [01:21.71]Sorry? [01:24.45]Could you tell me the way to Guangzhou Zoo,please? [01:29.91]Yes.Turn right out of the hotel.Go straight ahead and take the first left. [01:37.28]OK.Turn right out of the hotel and then go straight ahead [01:44.72]and take the first left. [01:48.38]Right. [01:51.54]Is the zoo on the right or on the left? [01:57.11]It's on the right.You can see it. [02:01.57]By the way,is the Night Zoo near here? [02:06.62]No.It's in Panyu.And you can take a No.216 bus. [02:14.66]Thank you very much. [02:18.42]You're welcome. [02:21.66]Excuse me.Could you tell me the way to Guangzhou Zoo,please? [02:34.72]Sorry? [02:38.38]Could you tell me the way to Guangzhou Zoo,please? [02:49.85]Yes.Turn right out of the hotel. [02:59.80]Go straight ahead and take the first left. [03:09.36]OK.Turn right out of the hotel and then go straight ahead and take the first left. [03:28.25]Right. [03:31.91]Is the zoo on the right or on the left? [03:41.26]It's on the right.You can see it. [03:49.20]By the way,is the Night Zoo near here? [03:58.84]No.It's in Panyu.And you can take a No.216 bus. [04:14.38]Thank you very much. [04:19.53]You're welcome. [04:24.39]Unit 17 Where is the school canteen? [04:31.23]gym science lab [04:34.06]体育馆;健身房 科学 实验室 [04:36.90]lost I'm lost. easy [04:39.58]错过的;迷惑的 我迷路了. 容易的 [04:42.25]Dialogue [04:44.89]1.Look at the map of the Guangzhou International School and answer the questions: [04:53.36]Where is the canteen/library/clinic/swimming pool/playground...? [05:03.93]2.Listen and read the dialogues. [05:09.26]Excuse me.I'm going to meet a friend. [05:14.41]Could you tell me how to get to the canteen,please? [05:19.97]Yes.Turn right here and take the first left. [05:26.22]Go straight ahead and take the third right. [05:31.55]First left,straight ahead and third left. [05:37.14]No,third right. [05:41.68]OK.Third right,straight ahead and third left. [05:48.76]No,come back! [05:52.52]Excuse me,I'm lost.Could you tell me how to get to the canteen? [05:59.60]Yes.Go straight ahead and take the firt right, [06:05.45]and then take the second right and the canteen is on your right. [06:13.11]Thank you. [06:15.98]Excuse me,I'm lost.Could you tell me how to get to the canteen? [06:23.03]Of course.Go straight ahead. [06:27.87]Take the third right and the canteen is on your right. [06:34.71]Straight on,third right and the canteen is on the right. [06:41.06]Hi,Sally.Where's Mike? [06:45.50]Hello,Jiamin.Mike is at the gym.You are late. [06:51.95]Oh no.How do I get to the gym? [06:57.28]Excuse me.I'm going to meet a friend. [07:07.05]Could you tell me how to get to the canteen,please? [07:16.58]Yes.Turn right here and take the first left. [07:27.43]Go straight ahead and take the third right. [07:36.67]First left,straight ahead and third left. [07:47.44]No,third right. [07:53.50]OK.Third right,straight ahead and third left. [08:06.66]No,come back! [08:12.51]Excuse me,I'm lost. [08:20.06]Could you tell me how to get to the canteen? [08:28.21]Yes.Go straight ahead and take the firt right, [08:34.66]and then take the second right and the canteen is on your right. [08:41.82]Yes.Go straight ahead and take the firt right, [08:48.48]and then take the second right and the canteen is on your right. [08:54.96]Thank you. [08:58.72]Excuse me,I'm lost. [09:07.27]Could you tell me how to get to the canteen? [09:15.62]Of course.Go straight ahead. [09:23.80]Take the third right and the canteen is on your right. [09:34.43]That's easy. [09:39.42]Straight on,third right and the canteen is on the right. [09:51.67]Hi,Sally.Where's Mike? [09:58.62]Hello,Jiamin.Mike is at the gym.You are late. [10:09.36]Oh no.How do I get to the gym? [10:18.42]Unit 18 Let's go further [10:24.67]Story time [10:27.91]Look,listen and act out the dialogue. [10:33.08]Hello,Andy! [10:36.32]Hello,Amy.Your garden is very beautiful. [10:42.09]Thank you.Bobby has a new house with a beautiful garden,too. [10:48.62]Let's go and have a book. [10:52.38]Great. [10:55.23]Hello,Amy.Hello,Andy. [10:59.59]Hello. [11:03.12]Excuse me,we're lost.Can you tell me how to get to Bobby's new house,please? [11:11.09]Well,go straight ahead.Take the first left. [11:17.85]Then take the second right.His house is onthe left. [11:25.40]Thank you very much.Bye-bye! [11:30.57]Bye! [11:33.32]Where is Bobby's house? [11:37.78]Look,Amy.Isn't that your house?Isn't that your garden? [11:44.24]Oh yes,it's my house,What happened? [11:49.67]Additional words [11:53.61]Match the pictures with these directions by drawing lines. [12:00.46]on the corner at the end [12:05.63]over the bridge through the lights

