
[00:00.00]Unit 2 Review复习
[00:05.18]1 I can read我会读
[00:18.55]2 I can listen and say我能听懂并说
[00:23.71]This is my face.这是我的脸。
[00:26.80]These are my eyes.这是我的眼睛。
[00:29.99]I see with my eyes.我用我的眼睛看。
[00:33.84]I hear with my ears.我用我的耳朵听。
[00:37.28]I eat with my mouth.我用我的嘴巴吃东西。
[00:40.32]I smell with my nose.我用我的鼻子闻。
[00:44.22]3 I can draw and match我会画图并连线
[00:49.43]These are my eyes.这是我的眼睛。
[00:51.93]This is my nose.这是我的鼻子。
[00:54.46]This is my mouth.这是我的嘴巴。
[00:56.83]These are my ears.这是我的耳朵。
[00:59.06]This is my head.这是我的头。
[01:02.00]4 I can listen and number我能听懂然后标序号
[01:28.53]5 I can read and match我会读并连线
[01:33.66]Touch your nose.摸摸你的鼻子。
[01:36.04]These are my two ears.这是我的双耳。
[01:38.93]I have two arms.我有两条胳膊。
[01:41.32]I can see with my eyes.我能用我的眼睛看。
[01:45.33]Word list单词表

