
Alex Solis 是一位来自芝加哥的插画和网页设计师,今天收集分享他的作品集:可爱的26个英文字母教学示意图,希望其中有你喜欢和需要的,或者可以给你带来灵感的。


A for Apple

B for Bear

C for Cats

D for Dog

E for Elephant and Eagle

F for Fox and Fish

G for Gorilla

H for Hippo

I for Iguana

J for Jaguar

K for Koala

L for Lion

M for Monkeys

N for Narwhal

O for Octopus

P for Penguin and Pig

Q for Quail

R for Rabbit

S for Skunk

T for Turtle and Toucan

U for Unicorn

V for Vampire

W for Walrus

X for X-rays

Y for Yak and Yarn

Z for Zebra and El Zorro

