小学英语外研社(三起点)四年级下册Module 8 Unit 2

[00:04.57]unit 2 They were young.
[00:09.69]1.Listen and point.
[00:18.99]They weren't old then.那时他们不老
[00:22.41]They were young.那是他们很年轻
[00:25.39]She wasn't tall then.She was short.那时她不高。她很矮
[00:32.61]He wasn't naughty then.He was cute.那时他不淘气,他很可爱
[00:39.79]It wasn't fat then.It was thin.那时它不胖,它很瘦
[00:52.45]They weren't old then.那时他们不老
[00:56.21]They were young.那是他们很年轻
[01:01.11]She wasn't tall then.She was short.那时她不高。她很矮
[01:10.46]He wasn't naughty then.He was cute.那时他不淘气,他很可爱
[01:18.52]It wasn't fat then.It was thin.那时它不胖,它很瘦
[01:32.50]They weren't old then.那时他们不老
[01:35.60]They were young.那是他们很年轻
[01:40.75]She wasn't tall then.She was short.那时她不高。她很矮
[01:46.69]He wasn't naughty then.He was cute.那时他不淘气,他很可爱
[01:52.32]It wasn't fat then.It was thin.那时它不胖,它很瘦
[02:09.40]3.Listen and say,then chant.
[02:20.71]A little chick.It was very young.一只小鸡,它很小
[02:26.22]It was very cute.Cheep....A little chick.它很可爱。吱吱吱一只小鸡
[02:32.91]Two big red hens.They were very old.两只大红母鸡,他们老了
[02:38.52]They were very fat.Bock....Two big red hens.他们很肥胖,两只大红母鸡

