小学英语外研社(三起点)五年级下册Module 9 Unit 1

[00:06.82]Unit 1 We laughed a lot.
[00:11.19]1.Look, listen and learn.
[00:17.51]I’ve got two letters in English.我收到两封用英语写的信。
[00:21.46]One from England and one from America.一封来自英国,一封来自美国。
[00:25.48]15 Marling street马林街15号
[00:28.32]London NW2伦敦
[00:33.17]Dear Daming,亲爱的大明:
[00:34.59]Last week we went to the children theatre.上周我们去了剧院。
[00:38.31]The men wore women’s clothes.男人们穿着女人们的衣服。
[00:40.51]The women wore men’s clothes.女人们穿着男人们的衣服。
[00:43.49]The actors told lot of jokes.演员们说了很多笑话。
[00:46.73]It was very funny.我非常开心。
[00:49.13]We laughed a lot.我们哈哈大笑。
[00:50.77]English children love the theatre. 英国的孩子们喜欢剧院。
[00:53.51]After the show we went to restaurant.演出过后我们去了饭店。
[00:57.70]We all ate hamburgers and chips.我们都吃了汉堡和薯条。
[01:00.15]Are you ready for your trip to America?你准备去美国旅行了吗?
[01:05.40]2. Listen and say.
[01:11.53]The men wore women’s clothes.男人们穿着女人
[01:15.90]The actors told lot of jokes.演员们说了很多笑话
[01:18.18]We laughed a lot.我们哈哈大笑。是的。

