小学英语外研社(三起点)五年级下册Module 6 Unit 1

[00:07.71]Unit 1 I went there last year.
[00:13.78]1.Look, listen and learn.
[00:18.88]Mum,look,Lingling has got some photos.妈妈 看,玲玲照了一些照片。
[00:23.60]Can I see them, Lingling?我可以看看吗,玲玲?
[00:25.81]Of course! 当然
[00:27.77]They are photos of china. 是中国的照片。
[00:30.50]This is Xinjiang. 这是新疆。
[00:32.62]It’s the west of China. 在中国的西部。
[00:34.97]I went there last year. 我去年去过那里。
[00:38.63]Did you go with your mother and father?你是和你爸爸妈妈一起去的吗?
[00:39.58]Yes,I did.是的。
[00:42.39]We stayed with my grandmother for a week in July. 我们在七月份和我祖母待了一周。
[00:46.23]The mountains are really beautiful.那里的山确实很漂亮。
[00:49.41]This is Hainan. 这是海南。
[00:51.81]It’s in the south of China. 在中国的南部。
[00:54.36]Who is this?这是谁?
[00:56.24]It’s my uncle. 是我的叔叔。
[00:57.78]He lives there with his three children. 他和他的三个孩子住在那里。
[01:00.52]My cousins visit Beijing every year.我的堂兄弟们每年都去参观北京。
[01:04.55]Yes,I remember!是的 我记得!
[01:07.31]I met them in June!They are li people 我在六月份遇见过他们。他们是黎族人
[01:12.33]2. Listen and say.
[01:17.46]When did you go to Xinjiang?你什么时候去的新疆?
[01:20.10]We went there in July.我们在七月份去的那里。
[01:22.65]Did you go with your mother and father?你是和你的爸爸妈妈一起去的吗?
[01:25.12]Yes,I did.是的。

