小学英语外研社(三起点)六年级上册Module 10 Unit 1

[00:04.70]Unit 1 At the Library
[00:11.39]1.Listen,point and find"please,don't"
[00:23.49]Daming:Where are we going Simon?达明:我们要去西蒙哪里?
[00:31.52]Simon:To the library.Please hurry.It's ten to five.西蒙:图书馆。请快点。5点差10分。
[00:35.32]Simon:Look,Daming!Here's the book.西蒙:看,达明!这是书。
[00:39.50]Librarian:Look at the library rules.It says,"Don't talk in the library."图书馆管理员:看图书馆的规则。它说,“不要在图书馆里聊天。”
[00:51.81]Librarian:And please be quiet.图书馆管理员:并且请保持安静。
[00:58.69]Simon:Here's my library card.西蒙:这是我的借书卡。
[01:01.34]Librarian:Please stand in line!图书馆管理员:请站队。
[01:05.31]Daming:What did you find,Simon?达明:你在找什么,西蒙?
[01:08.41]Simon:A book and a CD.It's"Learn Chinese in Four Weeks".西蒙:一本书和一张CD。它是“四周内学中文。”
[01:14.43]Daming:I think that's difficut.Chiese isn't easy,you know.达明:我认为很难。中文不容易,你知道的。
[01:20.47]Simon:But you can help me.西蒙:但你可以帮助我。
[01:28.44]2.Listen and say.
[01:36.34]A:Look at the library rules.It says,"Don't talk in the library."A:看图书馆的规则。它说,“不要在图书馆里聊天。”
[01:48.72]A:Here's my library card.A:这是我的借书卡。
[01:51.34]B:Please stand in line!B:请站队。
[01:55.93]3.Listen and do.
[02:04.70]Stand up stand in line 站起来站队。
[02:08.74]Say good morning说早上好
[02:11.28]point the blackboard 看黑板
[02:13.52]show me your book 给我看你们的书

