小学英语外研社(三起点)六年级上册Module 6 Unit 2

[00:01.00]Unit 2 ?I’ve got ?some ?stamps from China .
[00:09.91]1.Look,listen and point.
[00:19.72]Boy : Have you got a knife and fork or chopsticks ?你有一副刀叉还是筷子?
[00:22.75]Girl : I’ve got a knife and fork and chopsticks .我有一副刀叉和筷子
[00:26.99]Girl : Have you got a Chinese or a Japanese kite ?你有一个中国或者日本风筝吗
[00:29.80]Boy : I’ve got a Chinese kite and a Japanese kite .我有一个中国风筝和日本风筝
[00:34.65]Boy : Have you got a book about America or a book about China ?你有一本关于美国的书或者关于中国的书吗
[00:38.13]Girl : I’ve got a book about America and I’ve got a book about China 我有一本关于美国的书和一本关于中国的书
[00:42.23]Girl : have you got stamps from China or stamps from Canada ?你有一些来自中国或者加拿大的邮票吗
[00:46.64]Boy : I’ve got some stamps from China but I haven’t got any stamps from Canada .我有一些来自中国的邮票但是没有加拿大的邮票
[00:53.72]3.Listen and repeat.
[01:02.54]* I want you to be my friends,too.我也希望你们成为我的朋友。
[01:06.10]* Chopsticks are difficult.筷子很困难。
[01:09.62]* I can send you one.我能寄你一本。
[01:11.79]* We can be pen friends.我们能成为笔友。
[01:14.86]4.Listen and say,then chant.
[01:29.17]I'm happy!I have a new pen friend.Here is an email and now I can"send".我愉快!我有一位新笔友。这是一封电子邮件现在我能"送"。
[01:36.44]My pen friend's in England. Her name is Sue.我的笔友在英国。她的名字叫秀。
[01:41.99]Give me your address. You can be my friend,too.给你的地址我。你也能成为我的朋友。
[01:47.51]We can write about hobbies and families and friends.我们能写嗜好和家庭和朋友。
[01:54.63]We can always write emails and always be friends.我们总是能写电子邮件,总是朋友。

