小学英语外研社(三起点)六年级上册Module 2 Unit 2

[00:02.57]Unit 2 Postcards from China
[00:08.35]1.Look,listen and find.
[00:16.84]Look !These are my postcards from China.Look at this one .看,这是我来自中国的明信片,看这张
[00:22.40]There are lots of bicycles in China .People ride them to work .中国有很多自行车,人民骑着它们去工作
[00:27.29]And there are lots of beautiful lakes.那里还有很多漂亮的湖泊
[00:29.86]This is the West Lake.It is in Hangzhou.这是西湖,它在杭州
[00:33.90]There is a very famous river ,the Changjiang River .It is about 12,600 li long.这是非常出名的河流,长江。它有12600里长
[00:42.48]I like this postcard .There is a famous square in the middle of Beijing .我喜欢这张明信片,这是一个位于北京中心的很著名的广场
[00:46.94]It’s Tian’anmen Square.And there’s a very famous wall in China,the Great Wall.它是天安门广场,这是中国非常著名的城墙,长城
[00:53.31]It’s six thousand seven hundred kilometres long.它有6700公里长
[00:57.17]Of course ,there are also many mountains in China.当然,中国也有很多山
[01:00.93]There is a famous mountain in Anhui.Look! This is the Huangshan Mountain.这是位于安徽的著名的山,黄山
[01:08.20]3.Listen and repeat.Pay attention to the stress.
[01:19.87]* There's Chinatown in New York!这是在纽约的唐人街。
[01:24.47]* There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.那里有许多中国商店和餐厅。
[01:29.79]* Let's go to Chinatown now.我们现在去唐人街。
[01:34.10]* We can't go now.It's nine o'clock.我们现在不能走。9点了。
[01:39.38]4.Listen and say,then sing.
[01:52.43]There's a Great Wall in China.It is very,very long在中国有长城。它非常,非常,非常长。
[01:57.82]There's a Great Wall in China.It is very,very strong.在中国有长城。它非常,非常,非常强大。
[02:05.22]There are many,many people and they like to sing this song.有很多,很多人,他们喜欢唱这支歌。
[02:10.20]There's a Great Wall in China and it's very,very long.在中国有长城并且非常,非常,非常长。
[02:15.60]In China there's a Great Wall,a Great Wall,a Great Wall.在中国有一个长城,一个长城,一个长城,一个长城。
[02:21.67]It is very,very,very big and it's a very famous wall.它非常,非常,非常大并且它是一堵非常著名的墙。

