小学英语外研社(三起点)六年级上册Module 1 Unit 2

[00:03.30]Unit 2 New York is in the east of America.
[00:09.73]1.Look,listen and point.
[00:18.96]What a big map of America!Where's New York? It's here,in the east.多么大的美国的地图!纽约在哪里?在这里,东方。
[00:25.57]and what about? It's in the west.Canada is in the north of America. and Mexico is in the south of America.这是?它在西方。加拿大在美国的北方。莫斯科在美国的南方
[00:32.83]that's right 对的
[00:34.42]and ?America is a big country美国是个大国家
[00:36.84]yes it is.but China is also very big是的,它是。而且中国也很大
[00:42.44]3.Listen and repeat.Pay attention to the stress.
[00:54.39]* Tell me more about the Great Wall.告诉我更多有关长城的东西。
[00:58.41]* How long is it?多长?
[01:01.56]* It's about six thousand seven hundred kilometres.它是大约6,700 公里。
[01:07.29]* Beijing has got about fourteen million people.北京大约1400万人。
[01:13.83]4.Listen and say,then chant.
[01:21.68]America,America,there are lots of things to see.美国,美国,有许多事情看见。
[01:27.18]From New York to Tennessee,it's such a big country.从纽约到田纳西,它是这样的一个大的国家。
[01:33.62]The flag's got fifty stars.It's red and blue and white.旗有50 颗星。 它有红,蓝和白。
[01:40.33]You can always see it,every day and night.你总是可以看见它,每天和晚上。
[01:45.73]America,America,there are lots of things to see.美国,美国,有许多事情看见。
[01:51.84]From Nes York to Tennessee,it's such a big country.从纽约到田纳西,它是这样的一个大的国家。

