小学英语外研社(三起点)六年级下册Module 9 Unit 1

[00:07.132]Unit1 ?What's the matter? ?怎么了?
[00:14.534]1.Listen,point and find"why". 听,并找到“为什么”。
[00:32.683]What's the matter? 怎么了?
[00:34.242]Why are you laughing?你们为什么笑?
[00:37.471]We're going to have a baseball team.我们将要成立一个棒球队。
[00:42.069]So why is that funny? 为什么觉得有趣?
[00:46.541]Why have you got cups on your heads? 你们头上为什么有杯子?
[00:49.400]Amy said,"Bring cups for the baseball game."埃米说,“为棒球比赛带来杯子。”
[00:52.786]So I brought these cups.所以我带来杯子。
[00:55.248]I don't understand.我不明白。
[01:00.504]I didn't say"cups."I said "caps".我不说“杯子。”我说“帽子”。
[01:04.900]I wanted you to bring the baseball caps.我想要你带来棒球帽子。
[01:09.102]So now we are going to play baseball like this.因此现在我们将要象这样打棒球。
[01:15.183]It's easy to make mistakes with English.用英语时容易犯错误。
[01:20.028]I make lots of mistakes with Chinese.我用汉语时也犯许多错误。
[01:26.951]And look what I've got in my bag!看,我放什么东西再书包里!
[01:30.943]What?The baseball caps!Great!什么?棒球帽子!好!
[01:33.265]2.Listen and say 听并说。
[01:46.889]What's the matter?怎么了?
[01:51.028]Why are you laughing?你们为什么笑?
[01:54.069]Why have you got cups on your heads?为什么你们头上有杯子?

