小学英语外研社(三起点)六年级下册Module 6 Unit 2

[00:03.121]Unit2 What's it about?它是关于什么的?
[00:10.755]1.Look and listen for"bought,took,sent".看,听出 “ 买,带走,送”
[00:24.753]Daming, I bought a book for you, too.大明,我也给你买了一本书。
[00:27.931]Thank you, Mum. 谢谢你,妈妈。
[00:29.755]What's it about?是关于什么的?
[00:31.633]It's about spaceship.是关于宇宙飞船的。
[00:34.107]Great! Let's look at it.好啊!拿来看看。
[00:36.816]Here's a picture about American spaceship.这是一张美国宇宙飞船的照片。
[00:41.595]It took a man into space.它载人上太空。
[00:44.348]Look at this dog. 看这只狗。
[00:46.406]Russia sent the first animal into space.俄罗斯首次把动物载入太空。
[00:49.246]And here's Chinese spaceship.这是中国的宇宙飞船。
[00:52.018]Yes, Daming. China sent a man into spaceship,too.是的,大明。中国也有人乘宇宙飞船上天了。
[00:56.414]Yes, I know that. 是的, 我知道。
[00:58.547]I am going to read the book about it.我打算去看这本书。
[01:00.743]4.Listen and say,then chant.听并且说,然后唱歌。
[01:15.655]My sister said,"Please buy me a hen." 我的姐妹说, "请为我买一只母鸡"。
[01:21.776]So I bought her a hen.因此我给她买一只母鸡。
[01:24.916]My sister said,"Please buy me a basket." 我的姐妹说,"请为我买一个篮子"。
[01:31.167]So I bought her a basket.因此我给她买一个篮子。
[01:35.247]My sister said,"Please buy me a bicycle." 我的姐妹说,"请为我买一辆自行车"。
[01:39.247]So I bought her a bicycle. 因此我为她买自行车。
[01:43.290]And what did she do then?她那时做什么?
[01:46.472]She put the hen in the basket.她把母鸡放进篮子。
[01:49.716]She put the basket on the bike.她把篮子放在自行车上。
[01:52.440]Then she went away.然后她走了。
[01:55.778]And she didn't even say "Thank you"!她甚至没说"谢谢"!

