小学英语外研社(三起点)六年级下册Module 4 Unit 2

[00:00.962]Unit2 The apples are falling down the stairs.苹果要掉下楼梯了。
[00:12.025]1.Look and listen for"falling".Then repeat.看并且等着听"下降"。然后重复。
[00:26.339]Oh dear!I can't carry them all.天哪! 我拿不完。
[00:31.450]Look at the eggs.看这鸡蛋。
[00:37.294]And the apples are falling down the stairs.这苹果要掉下到楼梯了。
[00:45.520]Now,the cola is falling,too.现在,可乐也掉了。
[00:55.157]What a mess! Who can help me?一团糟!谁能帮助我?
[01:01.750]2.Listen and match.听和匹配。
[01:11.348]Who can help the girl?谁能帮这女孩?
[01:14.530]Sorry, I can't help you. 对不起,我不能帮你。
[01:16.315]I'm talking on the phone.我在打电话。
[01:18.514]Yes, I can. I'll pick up the apples.我可以。我来捡苹果。
[01:22.555]I will wash the apples.我来洗苹果。
[01:24.755]And I'll clean the stairs.我来扫楼梯。
[01:28.894]4.Listen and say,then say the poem.听并且说,然后说诗。
[01:43.087]What is he doing? Look at him.他在做什么? 看他。
[01:46.947]He's trying to get on the bus.他在上公共汽车。
[01:51.150]And what is she doing? Look at her.她在做什么? 看她。
[01:55.744]She's trying to get off the bus.她在下公共汽车。
[01:59.599]And what are you doing?Look at you.你在做什么? 看你。
[02:03.805]I want to drive the bus.我想开公共汽车。
[02:07.577]But I can't do it,not at all,with all this terrible fuss.忙乱中我一无能做。

