小学英语外研社(三起点)六年级下册Module 3 Unit 1

[00:07.332]Unit1 The sun is shinning.太阳是明媚的。
[00:15.527]1.Listen,point and find "sending,shining,singing".听,指出并且找到“送,发亮,唱歌 ”
[00:31.689]How are you?你好吗?
[00:33.377]I had a very funny day on Saturday.我在星期六过了一个非常有趣的日子。
[00:38.209]We had a picnic in the park.我们在公园里野餐。
[00:40.950]I am sending some photos.我正在寄一些相片。
[00:45.368]I miss everyone in China.我想念中国的每个人。
[00:48.046]Please write soon.请尽快来信。
[00:51.224]From, ?Daming来自,大明。
[00:55.929]Here are the photos.Look!看!这是相片。
[01:01.054]In this photo,the sun is shining.相片里,太阳是明媚的。
[01:04.352]The birds are singing in the trees.鸟儿在树上唱歌。
[01:08.654]We are looking at some ducks.They look hungry.我们正看一些鸭子.他们看起来饥饿。
[01:14.004]In this photos,it is raining and we are under a tree.在这相片里,天下雨了,我们在树下面躲雨。
[01:21.087]And just look at this!来看这张!
[01:23.424]The ducks are eating our picnic!鸭子正吃我们的野餐!
[01:32.976]2.Listen and say.听并且说。
[01:37.723]In this photo,the sun is shining.在这相片里,这太阳是明媚的。
[01:42.703]The birds are singing in the trees.鸟儿在树上唱歌。
[01:49.244]The ducks are eating our picnic!鸭子正在吃我们的野餐。

