小学英语外研社(三起点)六年级下册Module 2 Unit 1

[00:09.885]Unit1 We're going to have a picnic.我们打算去野餐。
[00:14.357]1.Listen,point and find"going to." 听,指出并且找到“去往。”
[00:27.926]We're going to have a picnic in the park.我们打算去公园野餐。
[00:32.941]In the park在公园
[00:39.425]When are we going to eat,Mum?我们什么时候去吃,妈妈?
[00:43.465]Af half past twelve.在12点半。
[00:47.604]What time is it? 多少点?
[00:49.452]It's twelve. 十二点。
[00:51.291]What are we going to do now?现在我们要做什么?
[00:55.472]We're going to walk around the lake.我们将要在这个湖周围走走。
[00:58.554]But it's going to rain soon. 但是就要下雨了。
[01:03.498]No,it's a beautiful day. 不,这是好天气。
[01:05.779]Let's go.我们走吧。
[01:09.718]These ducks are very noisy. 这些鸭子很吵。
[01:14.455]And they're very hungry. 并且他们很饿。
[01:21.484]Look!It's raining now! 看!下雨啦!
[01:26.350]Hurry!Let's go under that tree. 快!我们走到树下。
[01:33.861]Look!The ducks are eating our picnic.看!鸭子正吃我们的野餐。
[01:39.074]That's okay.好啊。
[01:40.672]Our picnic is wet.我们野餐湿了。
[01:44.183]But the ducks like it. Ha,ha,ha.但鸭子喜欢它。 哈,哈,哈。
[01:51.758]2.Listen and say.听并且说。
[02:01.955]When are we going to eat?什么时候去吃?
[02:05.828]We're going to eat at half past twelve.我们在12 点半去吃。
[02:10.893]Look!It's going to rain soon.看!一会儿天要下雨了。

