小学英语外研社(一起点)六年级下册Module 5 Unit 1

[00:13.01]Listen,point and find words ending in"ing".
[00:18.25]Today is Daming's birthday.今天是大明的生日.
[00:20.50]He is having a birthday party.他正在举办一个生日宴会.
[00:22.70]His family and new friends are there.他的家人和新的朋友都在那里.
[00:28.18]Now Daming is playing his trumpet,现在大明正在用他的喇叭演奏,
[00:33.55]but then the telephone rings.但是这时电话响了.
[00:36.15]He stops and everyone waits.他停下来了然后每个人都在等他.
[00:40.11]Then he starts again.过了一会他再次开始.
[00:42.93]He is playing his favourite song他演奏他最喜欢的歌
[00:45.25]and everyone is listening and clapping.而且每个人都在聆听并为他鼓掌.
[00:48.39]But then more friends arrive.然后更多的朋友来了
[00:52.26]Everyone says hello to them.每个人都在给彼此问好
[00:54.84]Daming tries again.大明尝试着再演奏了一次.
[00:58.55]This time,这一次,
[01:00.25]the door opens and Simon's dog runs in.门开了,西蒙的狗跑了进来.
[01:03.74]Now the dog is singing with the trumpet.现在这只狗正在合着喇叭唱歌.
[01:07.40]Everyone says the dog is very clever.每个人都说这只狗好聪明.
[01:10.51]Then they say that Daming is clever too.他们说大明也非常聪明.
[01:13.31]Listen and say.
[01:18.41]Daming is having a birthday party.大明有一个生日宴会.
[01:20.98]He is playing th trumpet,他正在演奏喇叭,
[01:22.96]but then the telephone rings.但是这时电话响了.

