小学英语外研社(一起点)六年级上册Module 1 Unit 2

[00:10.45]Listen and repeat.
[00:17.67]Tell me more about this place.跟我说说这个地方吧
[00:20.54]It's a museum.这是个博物馆.
[00:22.59]It's two hundred years old.它有两百多年的历史了
[00:25.28]And the clock is fifty metres high!这座钟有50米高!
[00:28.07]It's a beautiful building!这是个漂亮的建筑!
[00:31.43]Listen and point.
[00:38.00]It's two thousand years old.它有两千年的历史.
[00:42.27]It's twenty metres tall.它有20米高.
[00:46.45]It's one years old.它有一年了.
[00:49.36]It's ten metres tall.它有10米高.
[00:53.44]It's seven thousand kilometres long.它有7千公里长.
[00:58.39]It's one kilometres long.它有一公里长.
[01:02.92]Listen and say.Then sing.
[01:22.93]The Great Wall of China is very very long,他对中国长城很长很长,
[01:27.58]very very long,very very long.很长,很长。
[01:31.81]The Great Wall of China is very very long.中国的长城很长很长。
[01:36.54]The people who built it were very very strong,建造它的人们很强,
[01:41.84]very very strong,very very strong.非常非常强大,非常强大。
[01:46.10]The people who built it were very very strong.建造它的人们很强。
[01:50.78]Thousands of people built it.成千上万的人建造了它。

