小学英语外研社(一起点)六年级上册Module 6 Unit 1

[00:09.45]Listen,point and find"have got...".
[00:20.50]Look,a letter from America.看,一封来自美国的信.
[00:23.41]Is it from Daming?是大明寄来的吗?
[00:25.18]No,it isn't.不是.
[00:27.98]Dear Lingling,
[00:29.69]I met Daming here in New York.我在纽约认识了大明
[00:32.62]I've got long,red hair and blue eyes.我有一头红色的长发,和一双蓝色的眼睛.
[00:36.51]I like Chinese food 我喜欢中国的食物.
[00:38.53]and I've got some Chinese chopsticks.我还有几双中国的筷子.
[00:41.36]But they are very difficult for me.但是用筷子好难啊.
[00:44.53]My brother has got a Chinese kite.我哥哥有一个中国风筝.
[00:47.92]It is a very big bird.它是一只大鸟.
[00:50.56]Do Chinese children play with kites a lot?中国的孩子都喜欢放风筝吗?
[00:53.86]I am from New York.我来自纽约.
[00:55.88]It's a very big city.纽约是一个大城市.
[00:58.43]Have you got a book about America?你有关于美国的书吗?
[01:01.48]Please write and I will answer your questions
[01:03.93]about America.我将回答你关于美国的问题。
[01:10.18]Listen and say.
[01:15.90]I've got some Chinese chopsticks.我有一些中国的筷子。
[01:19.73]My brother has got a Chinese kite.我的哥哥有一个中国的风筝。
[01:24.63]Have you got a book about America?你有关于美国的书吗?

