小学英语外研社(一起点)六年级上册Module 7 Unit 1

[00:09.09]Listen,point and find say,eat,love,look at,think
[00:24.04]What are you looking at?你在看什么?
[00:26.23]It's my new CD-ROM about animals.我在看关于动物的CD.
[00:29.41]What does it say about my favourite animals?它是怎么说我最喜欢的动物的?
[00:35.46]Yes.It says that pandas love bamboo.它说熊猫喜欢吃竹子
[00:40.50]They eat for twelve hours a day.它们一天吃12个小时.
[00:43.32]I love bamboo too,我也喜欢竹子.
[00:47.63]Wow!Look at this picture!看看这张照片!
[00:50.33]The snake is coming out of the box.蛇从盒子里出来了。
[00:52.70]It's dancing.它在跳舞.
[00:54.31]Why?Do snakes love music?为什么?蛇喜欢音乐吗?
[00:57.66]No.It says snakes are deaf!它说蛇是聋子!
[01:01.22]They can't hear the music.它们听不到音乐.
[01:03.59]The snake thinks the flute is another snake.蛇认为笛子是另一条蛇。
[01:06.54]It's copying it!它在模仿它.
[01:08.78]This is a fantastic CD-ROM! 这个CD真好看!
[01:14.40]Listen and say.
[01:20.34]Pandas love bamboo.熊猫爱竹子。
[01:22.85]They eat for twelve hours a day.他们一天吃十二个小时。
[01:26.97]Do snakes love music?蛇喜欢音乐吗?
[01:31.59]No,they don't.不,他们错了。
[01:33.17]They're deaf.他们是聋子。

