
[00:09.98]Huojia and the Moon霍嘉和月亮
[00:14.01]Is Huojia a clever man?霍嘉聪明吗?
[00:17.32]One night he goes for water.一天晚上,他去打水.
[00:22.84]He looks in the well and he sees the moon.他往井里一看,看见了月亮.
[00:26.74]"Oh,no,"he says.哦,天哪,他说.
[00:29.94]"The beautiful moon is in the well."漂亮的月亮掉进井里了.
[00:34.58]He goes home for a hook.于是他回家取来了吊钩.
[00:36.88]He ties it to a rope.拴上绳子.
[00:38.77]Then he puts it in the well.然后把它放到井里.
[00:44.37]Huojia is fishing for the moon霍嘉开始钓起了月亮
[00:51.58]Suddenly there is something on his hook.突然,他钓到了什么东西.
[00:55.43]Huojia pulls the rope.就使劲地拉着绳子.
[01:04.80]He pulls and pulls and pulls.拉呀啦呀.
[01:10.09]The rope breaks and Huojia falls on his back.绳子断了,霍嘉摔了个仰面朝天.
[01:18.64]Huojia looks up and sees the moon.他抬起头,看见了月亮.
[01:23.57]The moon is up in the sky,"he says.月亮升到天上去啦,他说.
[01:27.68]What a clever man I am!我真是太聪明啦!

