小学英语外研社(一起点)四年级下册Module 5 Unit 1

[00:16.08]Listen and point.
[00:24.94]This girl is good.这个女孩唱的很好.
[00:26.74]I like her voice.我喜欢她的声音.
[00:37.01]I think this girl is better than the first girl我认为这个女孩唱的比第一个女孩更好.
[00:40.07]Do you agree,Sam?萨姆,你同意吗?
[00:41.62]No,I don't.不,我不
[00:43.59]I think she is worse.我认为她比较差.
[00:51.80]This boy is better than the other children.这个男孩唱的比其他孩子都好.
[00:58.59]Yes,I agree.是的,我同意
[01:00.65]He's very good.他唱的很好.
[01:03.40]Hey Diddle Diddle.嗨,拉啊拉啊.
[01:05.17]The cat and the fiddle.猫儿和小提琴.
[01:05.79]Oh no!哦,不
[01:06.69]Tom,be quiet please!汤姆,请安静!
[01:14.34]Be quiet!安静
[01:16.41]Tom is worse than all the others!汤姆唱的最难听
[01:20.26]Who is that little boy?那个小男孩是谁?
[01:22.82]It's Tom.他的汤姆
[01:24.35]He's our brother.他是我们的弟弟.
[01:27.71]Tom is the winner!汤姆是冠军!

