小学英语外研社(一起点)四年级下册Module 1 Unit 1

[00:14.07]Listen and point.
[00:19.69]here are your T-shirts and shoes for Sports Day.这是你们运动会那天要穿的T恤衫和鞋.
[00:26.85]This T-shirt is for Amy.这是艾米的T恤.
[00:29.38]Thank you,Ms Smart.谢谢,斯马特
[00:32.90]Lingling,please stand next to Amy.玲玲,请站在艾米旁边.
[00:37.28]Who's taller?谁高些?
[00:38.68]Amy is taller than Lingling.艾米比玲玲高些.
[00:40.98]Yes,Lingling is shorter than Amy.是的,玲玲比艾米矮些.
[00:46.13]Here is your T-shirt,Lingling.玲玲,这是你的T恤.
[00:49.67]It's smaller than Amy's.比艾米的小些.
[00:51.55]That's right.对.
[00:54.28]Amy,these are your sports shoes.艾米,这是你的运动鞋.
[00:57.59]Put your right foot beside Lingling's.把你的右脚放在玲玲的旁边.
[01:00.91]Whose foot is longer?谁的脚大?
[01:02.88]Amy's foot is longer than Lingling's.艾米的脚比玲玲的大.
[01:08.81]Here are your shoes,Lingling.这是你的运动鞋,玲玲
[01:11.16]They are smaller than Amy's.比艾米的小些.
[01:13.67]Thank you.谢谢
[01:16.39]My feet are the same size as Amy's.我的脚同艾米的一样大.
[01:20.30]here are your shoes,Daming.大明这是你的运动鞋.
[01:22.26]Thank you!谢谢

