小学英语外研社(一起点)四年级上册Module 10 Unit 2

[00:09.35]Listen and repeat.
[00:17.08]Li Jie is at home.李杰在家里.
[00:19.91]He's got a headache.他头痛.
[00:22.82]Wang Fei's got a cold.王飞感冒了.
[00:25.61]He didn't go to school.他没有去上学.
[00:28.02]Shanshan isn't at school.珊珊没有去学校.
[00:30.93]She's got a toothache.她牙痛.
[00:33.93]And Mingming's got a fever.明明发烧了.
[00:36.75]She stayed at home.她在家里.
[00:39.80]Listen and say.Then sing.
[00:49.50]Miss Polly had a dolly?
[01:39.00][00:56.23]Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick,sick,sick.
[01:44.19][01:01.33]So she called for the doctor to be quick,quick
[01:49.22][01:06.33]The doctor came with her coat and her hat.
[01:54.22][01:11.34]And she knocked on the door with a rat-a-tat-tat.
[01:59.27][01:16.30]The doctor saw the dolly and shook her head.
[02:04.14][01:21.22]She said,"Miss Polly,put your dolly to bed!"
[02:09.18][01:26.22]She said the dolly was ill,ill,ill.
[02:14.17][01:31.32]"But tomorrow,she'll be well.
[02:16.64][01:33.47]Yes,she will,will,will."

