小学英语外研社(一起点)四年级上册Module 7 Unit 2

[00:08.92]Listen and repeat
[00:15.27]There was a big monster.有一个大怪物.
[00:17.74]It had three heads.它有三个头.
[00:20.64]There were three children.还有三个小孩.
[00:23.23]The monster wanted to eat the children.怪物想吃掉小孩.
[00:26.87]The children ran away.小孩都跑了.
[00:28.99]Then I cried!后来我就哭了.
[00:33.04]The monster didn't eat the children.怪物没有吃掉小孩.
[00:38.62]Listen and say.Then chant.
[00:53.05]There was an old woman.
[00:54.40]She lived in a shoe.
[00:57.77]She had lots of children.
[00:59.55]In fact,twenty-two.
[01:02.60]She gave them soup and she gave them bread.
[01:07.42]She kissed them good night and put them to bed.

