小学英语外研社(一起点)五年级下册Module 3 Unit 1

[00:14.61]Listen,point and find"have got".
[00:20.36]At the Library.
[00:23.38]Excuse me.
[00:24.87]Have you got the Harry Potter videos?请问有哈利·波特的影碟吗?
[00:27.35]I'll look on the computer.我在电脑上查查.
[00:30.99]Sorry,we haven't got the videos?
[00:34.29]But we have got the books.但是我们有书.
[00:38.19]Where are they?在哪儿?
[00:39.48]They're on Shelf C.在C架上.
[00:44.94]You've got lots of Harry Potter books here!你们拿了很多有关哈利·波特的书啊!
[00:48.66]Yes,we have.
[00:50.19]Harry Potter's our favourite我们最喜欢哈利·波特
[00:52.50]We like Harry Potter in China,too.我们在中国也很喜欢哈利·波特.
[00:56.94]Your library card,please.请出示你的图书卡.
[00:59.68]Here you are.给你.
[01:00.87]Please return the books in two weeks.请在两个长星期内把书还回来.
[01:04.67]Thank you.
[01:14.00]Listen and say.
[01:17.36]Have you got the Harry Potter videos?请问有哈利·波特的影碟吗?
[01:20.21]Sorry,we haven't got the videos.对不起,我们没有影碟.
[01:23.68]But we have got the books.但是我们有书.
[01:27.83]You're got lots of Harry Potter books here!你们拿了很多有关哈利·波特的书啊!
[01:31.23]Yes,we have.

