小学英语外研社(一起点)五年级下册Module 6 Unit 1

[00:13.83]Listen,point and find"will".
[00:19.01]On Saturday we're going to see Stonehenge.星期六我们要去史前巨石柱.
[00:22.95]What's that?那是什么?
[00:24.43]It's a very old place.是一个很古老的地方.
[00:26.42]It's five thousand years old.那有五千年的历史了
[00:29.30]That's very old!真的很古老!
[00:31.48]What will we see there?在那儿会看到什么?
[00:34.65]We'll see lots of very big stones.我们会看到很多大的石头.
[00:37.94]They are in a circle.它们围成一个圆圈.
[00:39.91]Some stones are on top of others.有一些石头压在另一些石头的上面.
[00:42.59]It's very interesting.真的意思.
[00:44.81]Why did people build this?为什么人们会修建这个呢
[00:46.72]It's a mystery.这是个迷!
[00:48.29]No one knows.没有人知道是怎么回事.
[00:51.55]You're clever.你很聪明.
[00:52.69]Maybe you will solve the mystery!可能你会解开这个迷!
[00:55.05]I hope so!我希望如此!
[00:57.26]How will we get there?我们怎么去那儿?
[00:59.13]By car.坐车.
[01:00.25]It will take three hours.要花三个小时.
[01:08.37]Listen and say.
[01:12.04]What will we see three?我们会在那儿看到什么?
[01:14.13]We'll see lots of very big stones.我们会看到很多大石头.
[01:18.95]How will we get there?我们怎么去那儿?
[01:20.88]By car.坐车.
[01:22.12]It will take three hours.要花三个小时.

