小学英语外研社(一起点)四年级上册Module 6 Unit 1

[00:08.30]Listen,point and find "didn't".
[00:18.55]Ma Liang was a good boy.马良是个好男孩.
[00:20.79]He helped people.他经常帮助别人.
[00:22.51]He had a paintbrush.他有一支画笔.
[00:24.64]It was magic.它有魔力.
[00:26.63]This old woman didn't have food.一位老婆婆没有东西吃.
[00:29.48]So Ma Liang painted food.马良就画粮食.
[00:32.28]Then the food was real.一会就变成真的了.
[00:35.23]There was a bad man. 有一个人特别坏.
[00:37.18]He didn't help people.他从来不帮助别人.
[00:39.15]He took Ma Liang's magic paintbrush.他拿走了马良的神笔.
[00:42.61]The bad man didn't have gold.这个坏人没有金子.
[00:44.94]So he painted gold with the magic paintbrush.所以他用神笔画金子.
[00:48.35]But it didn't make gold.但是它没有变成金子.
[00:50.07]It made a snake!却变成一条蛇!
[00:57.82]Listen and say.
[01:03.52]This old woman didn't have food.一位老婆婆没有东西吃.
[01:06.81]The bad man didn't help people.坏人从来不帮助别人.
[01:10.08]The magic paintbrush didn't make gold.神奇的画笔没有变成金子.
[01:13.12]It made a snake.却变成一条蛇!

