小学英语外研社(一起点)四年级上册Module 3 Unit 1

[00:10.76]Listen,point and find "didn't".
[00:20.55]Lingling usually gets up at half past six on Mondays.星期一玲玲通常六点半起床.
[00:25.61]But she didn't get up at half past six yesterday.但是昨天她没有六点半起床.
[00:29.51]She usually walks to school.她通常步行上学.
[00:31.93]But she didn't walk to school yesterday.但是她昨天没有步行去上学.
[00:35.70]She usually learns English and Maths.她平常都学习英语和数学.
[00:38.87]But she didn't learn these things yesterday.但是她昨天没有学这些.
[00:42.15]Yesterday was National Day!昨天是国庆节.
[00:47.39]Lingling watched TV and played with her toys.玲玲看电视,玩她的玩具.
[00:53.75]Listen and say.
[01:00.11]Lingling didn't get up at half past six.她没有六点半起床.
[01:04.90]And she didn't walk to school. 她没有步行去上学.
[01:08.33]She didn't learn English and Maths.她没有学习英语和数学。

