小学英语外研社(一起点)四年级上册Module 1 Unit 2

[00:10.00]Listen and repeat.
[00:17.14]Dear Lucy, 亲爱的露西,
[00:18.64]Thank you for your letter.谢谢你的来信.
[00:20.62]Happy birthday to you.生日快乐
[00:22.53]I am still eight.I will be nine in April.我还是八。我将在4月满9岁
[00:26.58]The weather in Beijing isn't cold.It's warm.北京的天气不冷。它是温暖的。
[00:30.45]I've got a new friend too.我也有一个新朋友
[00:32.73]Her name is Lingling.她的名字是玲玲
[00:34.45]She's got short,black hair.She's very nice.她有短的,黑的头发。她人很好
[00:38.42]Here is a photo of Lingling and me.这是我和玲玲的照片
[00:44.23]Listen and match the letters and photos.
[00:53.04]Dear friends,亲爱的朋友们,
[00:55.14]I am from Mexico.我来自墨西哥.
[00:57.53]My name is Anita.我叫安尼塔.
[01:00.10]I like traditional Mexican food and traditional dancing.我喜欢传统的墨西哥食物和传统舞蹈
[01:05.26]I also like football and watching TV.我也喜欢足球和看电视
[01:09.16]What about you?你呢?
[01:14.13]Hi friends,
[01:15.74]I am from India.我来自印度.
[01:17.92]I am wearing traditional Indian clothes.我穿印度传统衣服
[01:21.28]I am nine years old.我今年9岁了。
[01:23.59]I like music and dolls.我喜欢音乐和玩具.
[01:28.85]Dear Chinese friends,亲爱的中国朋友,
[01:31.18]I like basketball.我喜欢篮球。
[01:33.88]I love computer games too.我也喜欢电脑游戏。
[01:36.89]My favourite food is hamburgers.我最喜欢的食物是汉堡包。
[01:40.08]I am American.I am ten.我是美国人。我十岁。
[01:43.94]From John
[01:46.83]Listen and say.Then sing.
[02:09.57][01:57.62]Children from China are Chinese.
[02:13.95]Children from England are English.
[02:18.33]Chinese,English,we all love fun.
[02:40.34][02:22.73]Children of the world are all like one.
[02:27.17]Children from America are American.
[02:31.61]Children from Russia are Russian.
[02:35.83]American,Russian,we all love fun,

