小学英语外研社(一起点)三年级下册Module 10 Unit 2

[00:13.08]Listen and repeat.
[00:16.52]What's forty plus forty?四十加四十是多少?
[00:19.28]It's eighty.是八十.
[00:22.36]What's sixty plus thirty?六十加三十是多少?
[00:25.92]It's ninety.是九十.
[00:28.62]And seventy plus thirty?七十加三十是多少?
[00:31.30]It's one hundred.是一百.
[00:41.03]Listen and point to the correct numbers.
[00:45.71]What's 20 plus 20?二十加二十是多少?
[00:54.34]What's 60 plus 30?六十加三十是多少?
[01:01.73]What's 40 plus 10?四十加十是多少?
[01:08.78]What's 20 plus 10?二十加十是多少?
[01:15.62]What's 50 plus 20?五十加二十是多少?
[01:22.12]What's 10 plus 10?十加十是多少?
[01:27.75]Now check your answers.现在检查你的答案.
[01:31.00]20 plus 20 is 40.二十加二十是四十.
[01:40.15]60 plus 30 is 90.六十加三十是九十.
[01:47.90]40 plus 10 is 50.四十加十是五十.
[01:55.33]20 plus 10 is 30.二十加十是三十.
[02:03.03]50 plus 20 is 70.五十加二十是七十.
[02:10.59]10 plus 10 is 20.十加十是二十.
[02:23.52]Listen and say.
[02:25.63]Then sing.
[02:27.81]Twenty thirty forty high
[03:03.21]Fifty,sixty,touch the sky!
[03:06.74]Seventy,eighty,see it fly!
[03:10.24]Ninety,one hundred,it's counting time!

