小学英语外研社(一起点)五年级上册Module 8 Unit 1

[00:09.08]Listen,point and find"they,we".
[00:18.39]15 Marling Street London NW2 England英国伦敦市西北玛宁街15号
[00:25.62]Dear Daming,亲爱的大名,
[00:27.42]Yesterday,I went to Sam and Amy's school.昨天,我去了萨姆和艾米的学校.
[00:32.45]I took photos.我拍了些照片.
[00:35.49]In England,the children sit around tables.在英国,孩子们围着桌子坐一圈.
[00:39.87]We sit in lines in China.在我们中国坐成几排.
[00:42.86]They sing songs together every morning.他们每天早上在一起唱歌.
[00:46.49]We do morning exercises.我们做早操.
[00:49.55]In England,school starts at 9 o'clock,在英国,学校9点开始上课.
[00:53.68]It finishes at half past 3.3点半放学.
[00:57.20]In China,we start school at 8 o'clock,在中国,我们在八点上学,
[01:00.70]and finish at 4 o'clock.4点放学.
[01:03.78]School is fun here.这里的学校生活很有趣.
[01:05.57]But I miss my Chinese school.但是我很想念中国的学校.
[01:08.64]Love from,Lingling爱,零陵
[01:11.97]Listen and say.
[01:17.59]In England,they sit around tables.在英国,他们围着桌子坐。
[01:21.09]We sit in lines in China.我们坐在在中国行。
[01:23.98]They sing songs together every morning.他们每天早上一起唱的歌曲。
[01:27.61]We do morning exercises.我们做早操。

