小学英语外研社(一起点)五年级上册Module 2 Unit 1

[00:09.79]Listen,point and find "big,heavy".
[00:20.46]Come on,Lingling.快点儿,玲玲.
[00:21.74]We're going to go to the supermarket.我们去超市了.
[00:24.39]Great! 太棒了!
[00:25.44]Let's go!走吧!
[00:29.27]Oh,what a big supermarket!哦,好大的一个超市啊!
[00:32.72]Yes,it is.是的
[00:35.28]There are many sweets over there.那边有不少糖果
[00:37.46]And there are many fruits,too.还有很多水果呢.
[00:40.66]Please help me put the bags in the car请帮我把袋子放进轿车里.
[00:44.00]This one is heavy.这是重的.
[00:45.80]I can't lift it.我举不动它.
[00:47.97]Let me help you.我来帮你.
[00:50.97]You are helpful children.你们是助人为乐的好孩子
[00:53.28]Have an ice cream.给你们冰淇淋.
[00:55.02]Thank you!谢谢
[00:57.85]Listen and say
[01:04.15]There are many sweets.这里有很多糖果。
[01:06.52]There are many fruits,too.有很多水果,太。
[01:09.22]This one is heavy.这是一个重。

