小学英语外研社(一起点)五年级上册Module 1 Unit 1

[00:11.92]Listen,point and find "There was..."
[00:23.07]Lingling is in London with Sam and Amy.玲玲跟萨姆和艾米在伦敦.
[00:27.71]You were in China for two years.你们在中国住了两年了.
[00:30.87]Does London look different now?伦敦现在看起来不同了吗?
[00:33.34]Yes,it does.是的,它确实。
[00:36.54]This park is different.这个公园就变了.
[00:38.89]There weren't any swings here before.这里以前没有秋千。
[00:41.06]There was only a slide.这里只有一个滑梯.
[00:47.22]Look,there's a pond.看,这儿有一个池塘.
[00:49.86]There wasn't a pond here before!以前这儿可没有池塘的!
[00:52.42]There is one now.现在有一个了.
[00:54.67]There are ducks,too.还有鸭子呢?
[00:59.36]Do you like the park now?你现在喜欢公园吗?
[01:01.42]Yes,I do.是的
[01:03.11]We can feed the ducks.我们可以喂鸭子.
[01:04.75]We couldn't before.以前不可以.
[01:06.30]There wasn't a pond!那时可没有池塘!
[01:08.14]Then let's go to feed the ducks.咱们去喂鸭子吧.
[01:14.45]Listen and say.
[01:21.13]There weren't any swings here before.这里以前没有秋千。
[01:25.39]There was only a slide.]以前只有一个滑梯。
[01:28.96]There wasn't a pond here before!这以前没有池塘!
[01:32.79]There is one now.现在有一个。

