小学英语外研社(一起点)三年级下册Module 3 Unit 1

[00:13.18]Listen,point and find"will,won't".
[00:21.04]What will you do this weekend?这个周末你打算干什么?
[00:23.74]I don't know.
[00:26.90]Maybe we'll go to the zoo.或许我们去动物园.
[00:29.46]What will you see?你们能看到什么?
[00:31.56]We'll see lions,我们要去看狮子,
[00:33.06]tigers and pandas.老虎和熊猫.
[00:37.05]Will Sam go,too?萨姆也去吗?
[00:39.11]Yes,he will.是的,他也去.
[00:42.65]Will you go too,Daming?大明,你也去吗?
[00:44.99]No,I won't.
[00:47.17]I'll visit my grandpa in the countryside.我要去乡下看望爷爷.
[00:51.93]I won't see lions there.我不去看狮子.
[00:54.24]But I will see lots of pigs.但是我可以看到很多猪
[01:05.45]Listen and say.
[01:08.77]We'll see lions and tigers.我们要去看狮子和老虎.
[01:11.91]Will Sam go,too?萨姆也去吗?
[01:14.31]Yes,he will.
[01:17.26]Will you go too,Daming?大明,你也去吗?
[01:19.25]No,I won't.

