小学英语外研社(一起点)三年级下册Module 1 Unit 2

[00:11.18]Listen and repeat.
[00:14.59]My name's Parrot.我叫鹦鹉.
[00:16.67]I'm helpful.我对别人有帮助.
[00:18.75]This little girl can't do her Maths.这个小女孩不会算术了.
[00:21.74]I'm going to help her.我去帮助她.
[00:24.43]What's ten plus eleven?十加十一是多少?
[00:27.43]What's ten plus ten?十加十是多少?
[00:31.33]And one more?再加上一呢?
[00:33.03]It's twenty-one.二十一.
[00:34.75]Thank you,Parrot.谢谢,鹦鹉.
[00:44.67]Listen and say.
[00:46.70]Then say the poem.
[01:15.03]This little girl is good.这个小女孩很好.
[01:17.55]And this little girl is bad.这个小女孩不好.
[01:20.73]This little girl is happy.这个小女孩很高兴.
[01:23.23]And this little girl is sad.这个小女孩难过.
[01:26.52]This is little boy is naughty.这个小男孩淘气.
[01:28.96]And this little boy is shy.这个小男孩害羞.
[01:31.44]This little boy is nice.这个小男孩友善.
[01:34.61]And this little boy will cry.这个小男孩哭了.

