小学英语外研社(一起点)三年级上册Module 10 Unit 2

[00:06.17]Listen and repeat.
[00:12.67]What are you going to do on Saturday?你星期六要去做什么?
[00:15.33]I'm going to go to the cinema.我要去电影院.
[00:18.37]What are you going to see?你要去看什么?
[00:20.35]I'm going to see Sun Wukong.我要去看孙悟空.
[00:23.29]Listen and say. Then sing.
[00:35.64]What are you going to do today?
[00:39.62]I'm going to go to the park to play.
[00:44.33]Are you going to play with Sam?
[00:48.41]No,I'm going to play with Anne.
[00:52.91]Are you going to play football?
[00:57.00]No,we're going to play basketball.
[01:01.26]Are you going to play with me?
[01:05.54]Yes,OK,it's fun with three.

