小学英语外研社(一起点)三年级上册Module 8 Unit 2

[00:10.11]Listen and repeat.
[00:16.09]Look,this is my family.看,这是我的家人.
[00:20.23]There are five people in my family.我家有五口人
[00:23.79]There is one boy.有一个男孩.
[00:25.36]That's me.那就是我.
[00:27.29]There are two men.有两个男人.
[00:29.67]They are my dad and my grandfather.他们是我爸爸和我爷爷.
[00:33.14]There are two women.有两个女人.
[00:35.43]They are my mum and my grandmother.她们是我妈妈和我奶奶.
[00:39.01]We're visiting the zoo.我们在游览动物园.
[00:40.77]There are lots and lots of animals.这里有许多许多的动物.
[00:47.12]Listen and say.
[00:50.32]Then chant.
[01:00.02]There are three fat cats sitting on a mat.
[01:04.29]They're all black,wearing big hats.
[01:08.26]There is a cute monkey sitting on a tree.
[01:12.08]It's very happy playing with me.

