小学英语外研社(一起点)三年级上册Module 6 Unit 2

[00:09.00]Listen and repeat.
[00:13.50]Li Jie has got a pet.李杰有一个宠物.
[00:16.03]It's a mouse.它是一只老鼠.
[00:18.46]Shanshan has got a pet,too.姗姗也有一个宠物.
[00:21.11]It's a fish.它是一条金鱼.
[00:22.56]This is Wang Fei.这是王飞.
[00:24.21]He's got a pet dog.他有一只宠物狗.
[00:26.98]And this is Tingting.这是婷婷.
[00:28.49]She's got a pet cat.她有一只宠物猫.
[00:31.60]Listen and say.
[00:33.91]Then chant.
[00:36.41]I've got a dog?
[00:38.23]You've got a cat.
[00:39.90]He's got a mouse!?
[00:41.52]Look at that!
[00:43.22]I've got a rabbit.
[00:44.87]You've got a snake.
[00:46.57]She's got a duck,there in the lake!

