小学英语外研社(一起点)三年级上册Module 2 Unit 1

[00:06.66]1.Listen,point and find "We're making..."
[00:12.58]Let's make a cake for Mum and Dad!我们为爸妈做个蛋糕吧!
[00:15.61]Yes.Good idea!好主意!
[00:18.24]What are you doing?你们在做什么?
[00:20.44]We're making a cake.我们在做蛋糕.
[00:22.61]Please be quiet!请安静!
[00:24.34]I'm reading.我在读书.
[00:26.75]What are you doing?你们在做什么?
[00:28.67]We're making a cake for you,Mum.妈妈,我们在给你做蛋糕.
[00:31.26]Please be quiet! 请安静!
[00:32.75]I'm working.我在工作.
[00:35.00]Children,please go to your room!孩子们,请回到你们的房间里去!
[00:38.75]Oh no!哦,不!
[00:40.70]Amy's playing her flute.艾米在吹她的笛子.
[00:43.26]And Sam's playing the drums.萨姆在打鼓.
[00:47.50]Please stop!停下来!
[00:49.59]Go and make a cake instead.还是去做蛋糕吧.
[00:54.57]2.Listen and say.
[00:58.90]What are you doing?你们在做什么?
[01:00.45]We're making a cake.我们在做蛋糕.
[01:03.40]Please be quiet! 请安静
[01:05.34]I'm working.我在工作.

