
[00:06.46]B Let's learn
[00:09.94]bought presents 买礼物
[00:12.52]rowed a boat 划船
[00:15.10]saw elephants 看大象
[00:17.75]went skiing 去滑雪
[00:20.62]went ice-skating 去滑冰
[00:23.41]What did you do on your holiday?你在假期做了什么
[00:26.66]I bought presents.我买礼物了.
[00:29.07]Let's play
[00:32.55]1.Write in the words and phrases.
[00:38.23]2.Listen to your teacher.听老师说.
[00:43.12]3.If you have three in a row,say,"Bingo!"
[00:52.14]went skiing 去滑雪
[00:54.82]went ice-skating 去滑冰
[00:57.84]saw elephants 看大象
[01:00.79]rowed a boat 划船
[01:03.63]learned English 学英语
[01:07.20]took pictures 照相
[01:10.05]ate good food 吃美味食物
[01:13.59]bought presents 买礼物
[01:16.37]climbed a mountain 爬山
[01:18.92]Let's try
[01:20.66]Listen and circle.
[01:23.98]How was your holiday?你的假期过得怎么样?
[01:26.20]It was fine.很好.
[01:27.78]What did you do?你做什么了?
[01:29.51]I saw elephants.我看大象去了.
[01:32.00]Let's talk
[01:34.45]Where did you go on your holiday?
[01:36.78]I went to Harbin.我去哈尔滨了.
[01:38.68]How did you go there?你怎么去哪儿的?
[01:40.31]I went by train.坐火车去的.
[01:42.33]What did you do?你做什么了?
[01:43.76]I went skiing.我去滑雪了.
[01:45.68]Let's find out 找一找
[01:49.17]Think of four places you have been to.
[01:53.56]Tell how you went.
[01:56.55]Where所去之处 ? Zhejiang浙江
[02:00.10]How如何去的 ? ? By train 坐火车
[02:04.20]I went to Zhejiang last year.我去年去了浙江.
[02:09.16]How did you go there?你是怎么去的那儿?
[02:12.47]I went by train.我是坐火车去的.
[02:16.00]Let's read
[02:19.14]It was a long holiday.一个漫长的假期,
[02:21.80]We left Beijing on February 1st?
[02:24.72]and got to Harbin on the 2nd.
[02:27.66]On the first day,第一天,
[02:29.10]I went to a park with my parents.我跟父母去公园.
[02:32.18]On the 3rd,I went skiing.3号,去滑雪.
[02:35.43]On the 4th,I did my homework.4号,做家庭作业.
[02:38.96]On the 5th,I went ice-skating.5号,去滑冰.
[02:42.39]On the 6th,6号,
[02:43.75]I bought presents for my friends.
[02:47.23]We got back to Beijing by plane on the 7th.
[02:51.26]For the last day of the holiday,假期的最后一天,
[02:53.86]we relaxed and prepared to go back to work?
[02:56.36]or school.
[02:58.34]Let's find out 找一找
[03:01.38]How did people travel years ago?
[03:05.84]What's wrong with the picture?
[03:09.67]People didn't travel by place.人们不坐飞机旅行.
[03:14.38]They didn't travel by ...他们不坐…旅行.

