
[00:02.50]UNIT SIX A FIELD TRIP 野外郊游
[00:06.20]B Let's learn
[00:09.15]having a picnic 野餐
[00:11.57]couting insects 数昆虫
[00:14.14]writing a report 写报告
[00:17.02]collecting leaves 采集树叶
[00:20.13]playing chess 下棋
[00:22.62]What is John doing?约翰在干什么?
[00:25.26]He's playing chess.他在下棋.
[00:28.45]Let's play 做一做
[00:31.10]John is playing chess.约翰在下棋.
[00:36.00]John is playing chess.约翰在下棋.
[00:39.98]Wu Yifan is writing a report.吴一凡在写报告.
[00:44.88]Let's try
[00:47.20]Listen and tick
[00:50.24]Is Miss White counting insects怀特老师在数昆虫吗
[00:53.29]No,she isn't.不,她没有.
[00:54.88]She's playing chess.她在下棋.
[00:57.33]Is Mr Black writing a report布莱克老师在写报告吗
[01:00.11]Yes,he is.是的.
[01:02.92]Let's talk
[01:05.33]Where is Zhang Peng?张鹏在哪儿?
[01:08.19]He's in the woods.他在树林里.
[01:10.43]Is he taking pictures?他在照相吗?
[01:13.57]No,he isn't.不,他没有.
[01:15.89]He's playing chess.他在下棋.
[01:18.21]Is John playing chess,too?约翰也在下棋吗?
[01:21.44]Yes,he is.是的.
[01:23.30]They are playing together.他们在一起下棋.
[01:26.37]Pair work 结对练习
[01:28.31]Ask and find out your partner's sentence.
[01:34.73]Now.Write a sentence:Zoom is ...
[01:41.97]Is Zoom writing a report?Zoom在写报告吗?
[01:47.22]No,he isn't.不,他没有.
[01:50.82]Is Zoom counting insects?Zoom在数昆虫吗?
[01:54.97]Yes,he is.是的.
[01:58.20]So ,your sentence is:Zoom is counting insects.
[02:05.61]That's right.正确.
[02:08.01]Read and write
[02:11.16]It's time to go.该出发了.
[02:13.07]Where is John?约翰在哪儿?
[02:14.89]Is he playing chess?他在下棋吗?
[02:18.15]Yes,he is.是的.
[02:20.17]Tell him we're leaving.告诉他我们要离开了.
[02:22.97]Where is Amy?艾米在哪儿?
[02:24.73]Is she writing a report?她在写报告吗?
[02:28.18]No,she isn't.不,她没有.
[02:30.66]Is she counting insects?她在数昆虫吗?
[02:33.90]No,she isn't.不,她没有.
[02:35.81]Tell me,please.请你告诉我.
[02:38.52]She's running to us!她正向我们跑来.
[02:40.54]Look!She's over there.看,她在那边.
[02:42.52]Hi,I'm coming.我来了.
[02:44.97]Group work 结组练习
[02:48.07]Ask and find out the sentence.提问并找出句子.
[02:53.35]OK.Chen Jie is doing something.陈洁在做某事.
[03:00.26]Is she collecing leaves?她在收集树叶吗?
[03:04.58]No,she isn't.不,她没有.
[03:07.73]Is she writing a report?她在写报告吗?
[03:11.47]Yes,that's it.是的,回答正确.
[03:15.12]Chen Jie is writing a report.陈洁正在写报告.

